Head VI

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Head VI
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Head VI (Tête 6) est un tableau de Francis Bacon issu d'une série de six tableaux de 1949.

Le tableau est un buste du pape Innocent X sur le modèle de Portrait d'Innocent X de Diego Vélasquez.

Le tableau est conservé à la Hayward Gallery de Londres.

v · m
Francis Bacon
  • Figure in a landscape (1945)
  • Painting 1946 (1946)
  • Fragment d'une Crucifixion (1950)
  • Study from the Human Body (1949)
  • Study for Crouching Nude (1952)
  • Three Studies from the Human Head (1953)
  • Study for the Nurse in the film Battleship Potemkin (1957)
  • Lying Figure (1966)
  • Version No. 2 of Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe (1968)
  • Étude pour une corrida n° 2 (1969)
  • Three Studies of the Male Back (1970)
  • Three Figures and Portrait (1975)
  • Two Seated Figures (1979)
  • Carcase of Meat and Bird of Prey (1980)
  • Diptych (1982–84)
  • Blood on the Floor (Painting, 1986) (1986)
Série des Têtes
  • Head I (1949)
  • Head II (1949)
  • Head III (1949)
  • Head IV (1949)
  • Head V (1949)
  • Head VI (1949)
  • Trois études de figures au pied d'une crucifixion (1944)
  • Three Studies for a Crucifixion (1962)
  • Trois personnages dans une pièce (1964)
  • Crucifixion (1965)
  • Triptych inspired by T.S Elliot's 'Sweeney Agonistes' (1964)
  • Three Studies for George Dyer (1967)
  • Two Figures Lying on a bed with Attendants (1968)
  • After Muybridge - Study of the Human Figure in Motion - Woman Emptying a Bowl of Water (1970)
  • Triptych 1976 (1976)
  • Second Version of Triptych 1944 (1988)
Black Triptychs
  • Triptych–August 1972 (1972)
  • Triptyque Mai-Juin 1973 (1973)
Portraits masculins
  • Study for Three Heads (1962)
  • Three Studies for a Portrait of George Dyer (1964)
  • Double Portrait of Lucian Freud and Frank Auerbach (1964)
  • Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud (1965)
  • Portrait of Lucian Freud (on Orange Couch) (1965)
  • Portrait of George Dyer Talking (1966)
  • Study for Head of George Dyer (1966)
  • Portrait of George Dyer and Lucian Freud (1967)
  • Trois études de Lucian Freud (1969)
  • Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard (1975)
  • Portrait of Michel Leiris, 1976 (1976)
  • Portrait of Michel Leiris, 1978 (1978)
  • Three Studies for a Self Portrait (1980)
Portraits féminins
  • Three Studies for a Portrait of Henrietta Moraes (1963)
  • Study for a Portrait (Isabel Rawsthorne) (1964)
  • Three Studies for the Head of Isabel Rawsthorne (1965)
  • Three Studies of Muriel Belcher (1966)
  • Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne Standing in a Street in Soho (1967)
  • Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne (de) (1967)
  • Three Studies of Henrietta Moraes laughing (1969)
  • Female Nude Standing in a Doorway (1972)
  • Sphinx: Portrait of Muriel Blecher (1979)
  • Self-portrait (1973)
  • Three Studies for a Self Portrait (1973)
  • Self-portrait (1973)
  • Seated Figure (1974)
  • Sleeping Figure (1974)
  • Three Studies for a Self Portrait (1974)
  • Autoportrait (1976)
  • Three Studies for a Self Portrait (1976)
  • Three Studies for a Self Portrait (1979)
  • Study for a Self-Portrait—Triptych, 1985–86 (1985)
  • icône décorative Portail de la peinture
  • icône décorative Portail des années 1940
  • icône décorative Portail de l’Irlande