
Amolops panhai
Classificação científica e
Domínio: Eukaryota
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Classe: Amphibia
Ordem: Anura
Família: Ranidae
Gênero: Amolops
Cope, 1865
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Amolops é um género de anfíbio anuro pertencente família Ranidae.


  • Amolops afghanus (Günther, 1858)
  • Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak, and Spence, 2010
  • Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu, and Wang, 2016
  • Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao, and Lü, 2005
  • Amolops archotaphus (Inger and Chan-ard, 1997)
  • Amolops assamensis Sengupta et al., 2008
  • Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer, and Grismer, 2018
  • Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris, and Matsui, 2000
  • Amolops caelumnoctis Rao and Wilkinson, 2007
  • Amolops chakrataensis Ray, 1992
  • Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun, and Zhang, 2013
  • Amolops chunganensis (Pope, 1929)
  • Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
  • Amolops cremnobatus Inger and Kottelat, 1998
  • Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
  • Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu, 1975)
  • Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov, and Ho, 2003)
  • Amolops formosus (Günther, 1876)
  • Amolops gerbillus (Annandale, 1912)
  • Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer, and Grismer, 2018
  • Amolops granulosus (Liu and Hu, 1961)
  • Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger, 1900)
  • Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger, 1888)
  • Amolops hongkongensis (Pope and Romer, 1951)
  • Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu, and Wilkinson, 2012
  • Amolops iriodes (Bain and Nguyen, 2004)
  • Amolops jaunsari Ray, 1992
  • Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang, and Li, 1986
  • Amolops kaulbacki (Smith, 1940)
  • Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony, and Kamei, 2010
  • Amolops larutensis (Boulenger, 1899)
  • Amolops lifanensis (Liu, 1945)
  • Amolops loloensis (Liu, 1950)
  • Amolops longimanus (Andersson, 1939)
  • Amolops mantzorum (David, 1872)
  • Amolops marmoratus (Blyth, 1855)
  • Amolops medogensis Li and Rao, 2005
  • Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu, and Yang, 2019
  • Amolops mengyangensis Wu and Tian, 1995
  • Amolops minutus Orlov and Ho, 2007
  • Amolops monticola (Anderson, 1871)
  • Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony, and Kamei, 2010
  • Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang, and Che, 2016
  • Amolops ottorum Pham, Sung, Pham, Le, Ziegler, and Nguyen, 2019
  • Amolops pallasitatus Qi, Zhou, Lyu, Lu, and Li, 2019
  • Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata, 2006
  • Amolops ricketti (Boulenger, 1899)
  • Amolops shuichengicus Lyu and Wang, 2019
  • Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang, and Wang, 2019
  • Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov, and Darevsky, 1999
  • Amolops splendissimus Orlov and Ho, 2007
  • Amolops torrentis (Smith, 1923)
  • Amolops tuberodepressus Liu and Yang, 2000
  • Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang, 1983)
  • Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
  • Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart, and Wu, 2018
  • Amolops wuyiensis (Liu and Hu, 1975)
  • Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang, and Jiang, 2017
  • Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang, and Wang, 2019
  • Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng, and Wang, 2018

Ligações externas

  • «Géneros e espécies da família Ranidae - AmphibiaWeb» (em inglês) 
  • «Lista de géneros - ITIS» (em inglês) 
  • «Lista de géneros - Amphibian Species of the World» (em inglês) 
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