
Actinodaphne Edit nilai pada Wikidata

Actinodaphne malaccensis
GenusActinodaphne Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Tata nama
Sinonim taksonActinomorphe Kuntze[1]
See text
Actinodaphne lancifolia

Kerikis, dinung atau jujuran ( Actinodaphne ) adalah genus tumbuhan berbunga Asia dalam keluarga laurel ( Lauraceae ). Ini berisi sekitar 125 spesies [2] pohon cemara dan semak dioecious . [3]

Spesies tersebar di kawasan tropis dan subtropis di Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, Tiongkok bagian selatan, Jepang, Nugini, Queensland, Kepulauan Solomon, dan Fiji. [4] Terdapat 17 spesies Tiongkok, 13 di antaranya endemik. [5]


Pohon-pohonnya tingginya 3 sampai 25 m, dengan daun-daun yang biasanya bergerombol atau hampir vertikal, jarang berseling atau berseberangan, tidak berlubang, berpinner, dan jarang bergaris triplin. Bunganya berbentuk bintang, kecil, dan berwarna kehijauan. Bunganya bergerombol atau melingkar dan berkelamin tunggal. [6] Umbelnya soliter atau bergerombol atau tersusun dalam malai atau raceme; bracts involucral imbricated dan caducous. Tabung perianth pendek; segmen perianth biasanya berjumlah enam dalam dua lingkaran yang masing-masing terdiri dari tiga, hampir sama, dan jarang bertahan lama. Bunga jantan mempunyai benang sari yang subur, biasanya berjumlah 9 dalam tiga lingkaran yang masing-masing terdiri dari tiga; filamen lingkaran pertama dan kedua berbentuk eglandular, dan filamen lingkaran ketiga berbentuk biglandular di bagian dasarnya; kepala sari semuanya introrse dan bersel empat; sel dibuka dengan penutup; putik yang belum sempurna kecil atau kurang. Bunga betina mempunyai staminode yang sama banyaknya dengan benang sari bunga jantan; ovarium lebih unggul; kepala putiknya berbentuk perisai atau melebar. Buahnya adalah buah berbiji seperti buah beri yang terletak di tabung perianth yang dangkal atau dalam, berbentuk cangkir atau cakram. Ia memiliki satu benih kecil yang sebagian besar disebarkan oleh burung.


Spesies Actinodaphne membutuhkan tanah yang terus menerus lembab, dan tidak tahan terhadap kekeringan dan embun beku. </link>[ kutipan diperlukan ] Pohon salam tumbuh di dalam hutan berdaun lebar; hutan gugur di pegunungan tengah; dan hutan kerdil campuran pegunungan tinggi. Beberapa spesies tumbuh di hutan dataran tinggi pada 1.500–3.300 m (4.900–10.800 ft) .


125 spesies Actinodaphne diterima. Diantaranya adalah: [1]

  • Actinodaphne acuminata (Blume) Meisn. – central and southern Japan, Ryukyu Islands, and Taiwan
  • Actinodaphne albifrons Kosterm. – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne amabilis Kosterm. – Thailand
  • Actinodaphne ambigua Hook.f. – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne andamanica M.Gangop. – Andaman Islands
  • Actinodaphne angustifolia (Blume) Nees – Nepal to Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi
  • Actinodaphne apoensis (Elmer) Kosterm. ex Brambach & Pelser – Philippines (Mindanao).
  • Actinodaphne archboldiana C.K.Allen – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne areolata Blume – Java
  • Actinodaphne bicolor (Merr.) Merr. – Philippines
  • Actinodaphne borneensis Meisn. – Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo
  • Actinodaphne bourdillonii Gamble – southern India
  • Actinodaphne bourneae Gamble – southern India
  • Actinodaphne brassii C.K.Allen – Solomon Islands
  • Actinodaphne caesia Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne campanulata Hook.f. – southern India
  • Actinodaphne candolleana (Thwaites) Meisn. – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne celebica Miq. – Sulawesi
  • Actinodaphne cinerea Elmer – Philippines (Palawan)
  • Actinodaphne concinna Ridl. – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne concolor Nees – Myanmar
  • Actinodaphne corymbosa Blume – Sumatra
  • Actinodaphne crassa Hand.-Mazz. – China (Hunan)
  • Actinodaphne cupularis (Hemsl.) Gamble – southern China to Thailand
  • Actinodaphne diversifolia Merr. – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne dolichophylla (Merr.) Merr. – southern Philippines
  • Actinodaphne elegans Thwaites – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne ellipticbacca Kosterm. – northern Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne engleriana Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne ferruginea H.Liu – southern Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne forrestii (C.K.Allen) Kosterm. – southern China (Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou) and Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne fragilis Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne fuliginosa Airy Shaw – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne furfuracea Blume – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne glabra Blume – Borneo and Java
  • Actinodaphne glauca Nees – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne glaucina C.K.Allen – Hainan
  • Actinodaphne glomerata (Blume) Nees – Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Lesser Sunda Islands, and Sulawesi
  • Actinodaphne gracilis Miq. – Sumatra
  • Actinodaphne henryi Gamble – China (southern Yunnan) to northern Indochina
  • Actinodaphne hirsuta Blume – Java
  • Actinodaphne hypoleucophylla Hayata – southern China and central Taiwan
  • Actinodaphne intermedia (Elmer) Kosterm. ex Brambach & Pelser – Philippines
  • Actinodaphne javanica Miq. – Java
  • Actinodaphne johorensis Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne junghuhnii Stur – Sumatra
  • Actinodaphne kinabaluensis Kosterm. – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne koshepangii Chun ex Hung T.Chang – China (northwestern Guangdong and western Hunan)
  • Actinodaphne kostermansii S.Julia – Borneo (Sabah and Brunei)
  • Actinodaphne kweichowensis Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang – China (southwest Guangxi and southwest Guizhou)
  • Actinodaphne lambirensis Tagane, Yahara & N.Okabe – Borneo (Sarawak)
  • Actinodaphne lanata Meisn. – southern India
  • Actinodaphne lanceolata Dalzell & A.Gibson – western India
  • Actinodaphne latifolia Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne lawsonii Gamble – southern India
  • Actinodaphne lecomtei C.K.Allen – China (Sichuan, Guizhou, and northern Guangdong)
  • Actinodaphne ledermannii Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne leiophylla (Kurz) Hook.f. – southern Myanmar
  • Actinodaphne longipes Kosterm. – Nepal to eastern India, Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne macgregorii (Merr.) Kosterm. – Philippines and Solomon Islands
  • Actinodaphne macrophylla (Blume) Nees – Peninsular Malaysia, Java, and Queensland
  • Actinodaphne macroptera Miq. – Andaman Islands and Sumatra
  • Actinodaphne madraspatana Bedd. ex Hook.f. – southern India
  • Actinodaphne malaccensis Hook.f. – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne mansonii M.Gangop. – Myanmar
  • Actinodaphne menghaiensis J.Li – China (southern Yunnan)
  • Actinodaphne molochina Nees – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne moluccana Blume – Maluku
  • Actinodaphne montana Gamble – Peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne moonii Thwaites – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne multiflora Benth. – Solomon Islands
  • Actinodaphne mushanensis (Hayata) Hayata – Taiwan
  • Actinodaphne myriantha Merr. – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne nicobarica M.Gangop. – Nicobar Islands
  • Actinodaphne nitida Teschner – New Guinea and Solomon Islands
  • Actinodaphne notabilis Doweld – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne novoguineensis Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne obovata (Nees) Blume – central Himalayas to China (southern and southeastern Yunnan)
  • Actinodaphne obscurinervia Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang – China (eastern Sichuan)
  • Actinodaphne obtusa Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne oleifolia Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Actinodaphne omeiensis (H.Liu) C.K.Allen – China (Sichuan, Guizhou) and southwestern Thailand
  • Actinodaphne paotingensis Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang – Hainan
  • Actinodaphne pauciflora Blume – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne pedunculata (Blume) Meisn. – southeastern China
  • Actinodaphne percoriacea S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne perglabra Kosterm. – eastern Thailand
  • Actinodaphne perlucida C.K.Allen – southern Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne pilosa (Lour.) Merr. – China (Guangxi, Guangdong, and Hainan), Laos, and Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne pisifera Hook.f. – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne procera Nees – Java and Nicobar Islands
  • Actinodaphne pruinosa Nees – Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo
  • Actinodaphne pubescens Blume – Java
  • Actinodaphne pulchra Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne quercina Blume – Java
  • Actinodaphne ramosii Brambach & Pelser – Philippines
  • Actinodaphne rehderiana (C.K.Allen) Kosterm. ex Dao – northern Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne reticulata Meisn. – Assam
  • Actinodaphne ridleyi Gamble – Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia (Johor)
  • Actinodaphne robusta S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne rufescens Blume – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne rumphii Blume – Maluku
  • Actinodaphne salicina Meisn. – southern India
  • Actinodaphne samarensis (Merr.) Merr. – southern Philippines
  • Actinodaphne scleroptera Miq. – Sumatra
  • Actinodaphne semengohensis S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne sesquipedalis Hook.f. & Thomson ex Meisn. – Myanmar, Andaman Islands, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Andaman Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, and Borneo
  • Actinodaphne shendurunii Robi & Udayan – India (Kerala)
  • Actinodaphne sikkimensis Meisn. – Nepal to eastern India, Myanmar, and Thailand
  • Actinodaphne soepadmoi S.Julia – Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo
  • Actinodaphne solomonensis C.K.Allen – Solomon Islands
  • Actinodaphne spathulifolia S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne speciosa Nees – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne stenophylla Thwaites – Sri Lanka
  • Actinodaphne sulcata S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne superba Boerl. – Borneo and Sulawesi
  • Actinodaphne tadulingamii Gamble – western and southern India
  • Actinodaphne tayabensis (Elmer) Merr. – Philippines
  • Actinodaphne tomentosa Teschner – New Guinea
  • Actinodaphne tonkinensis Dao – Vietnam
  • Actinodaphne trichocarpa C.K.Allen – China (Sichuan, northeastern Yunnan, and Guizhou)
  • Actinodaphne tsaii Hu – China (southern and southeastern Yunnan)
  • Actinodaphne venosa S.Julia – Borneo
  • Actinodaphne wightiana (Kuntze) Noltie – Borneo


  1. ^ a b Actinodaphne Nees. Plants of the World Online, Kew Science. Accessed 11 April 2023.
  2. ^ Actinodaphne Nees. Plants of the World Online, Kew Science. Accessed 11 April 2023.
  3. ^ Flora of China
  4. ^ Actinodaphne Nees. Plants of the World Online, Kew Science. Accessed 11 April 2023.
  5. ^ Flora of China
  6. ^ Flora of China