Roman Catholic Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol

Roman Catholic diocese in Spain
Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol

Dioecesis Mindoniensis-Ferrolensis

Diócesis de Mondoñedo-Ferrol (es)
Diocese de Mondoñedo-Ferrol (gl)
Cathedral of Mondoñedo
Country Spain
Ecclesiastical provinceSantiago de Compostela
MetropolitanSantiago de Compostela
Area4,425 km2 (1,709 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2013)
291,100 (99.6%)
Sui iuris churchLatin Church
RiteRoman Rite
Established572 (As Diocese of Bretoña)
881 (As Diocese of San Martiño)
1136 (As Diocese of Vilamaior)
1199 (As Diocese of Ribadeo)
1219 (As Diocese of Mondoñedo)
9 March 1959 (As Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol)
CathedralCathedral Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady in Mondoñedo
Co-cathedralCo-Cathedral of St Martin in El Ferrol
Current leadership
Bishop electFernando García Cadiñanos
Metropolitan ArchbishopJulián Barrio Barrio

The Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol (Latin: Dioecesis Mindoniensis-Ferrolensis) is a Latin diocese of the Catholic Church in Spain. It is the northernmost of the four suffragan dioceses in the ecclesiastical province of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela, which covers Galicia in the northwest of Spain.[1][2] The area had previously been home to Britonia, a settlement founded by expatriate Britons in the wake of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. Britonia was represented by the diocese referred to as Britonensis ecclesia (Britton church) in sources from the 6th and 7th centuries.

The bishop has a (main) cathedral (from Latin "cathedra" meaning episcopal seat), a minor basilica and World Heritage Site (Catedral Basílica de la Virgen de la Asunción, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary) in Mondoñedo, administrative Province of Lugo, and a co-cathedral Concatedral de San Julián in Ferrol, administrative Province of A Coruña, as well as a former cathedral which is a minor basilica, Basilica de San Martín de Mondoñedo in Foz, Lugo province.


Some authorities have sought to fix the date of the foundation of this diocese (under its primitive name of Britonia) earlier than the second half of the 6th century, but the later date seems the more probable when we consider that, at the Second Council of Braga (572), Mailoc, Bishop of Britonia, was ranked lowest because of the more recent origin of his see. It seems to have been founded by the Suevian king, Theodomir, converted to Catholicism by St Martin of Dumio, and to have included in its jurisdiction the churches of the Britones (a territory coinciding with that of Mondoñedo) and some of those of the Asturias. In the beginning it was a suffragan of Lugo, until the Goths placed Lugo under the jurisdiction of Braga. After Mailoc no mention is found of the bishops of Britonia for a long time, doubtless because the great distance from Toledo made it impossible for them to assist at the councils. In 633 Metopius, Bishop of Britonia, assisted at the Fourth Council of Toledo, presided over by St Isidore of Seville. Sonna, his successor, was one of the bishops who signed at the Seventh Council of Toledo (646) and sent a representative to the Eighth Council of Toledo (16 December 653). When Britonia was invaded and destroyed by the Saracens, the bishop and priests took refuge in Asturias. In 899, during the reign of Alfonso III of Asturias, Theodesimus, Bishop of Britonia, assisted with other prelates at the consecration of the church of Santiago de Compostela. It may also be noted that, in the repartition of the parishes, the church of San Pedro de Nova was assigned as the residence of the bishops of Britonia and Orense, when they should come to assist at the councils of Oviedo. By that time, however, the See of Britonia had been translated to the town of Mondumetum and the church of St. Martin of Dumio, or Mondoñedo. The diocese has since been most generally known by this name, although the episcopal residence has again changed. After the time of St. Martin it was transferred to Villamayor de Brea, from which it derived the name of Villabriensis, and afterwards to Ribadeo, but it was nevertheless known as Mindoniense, as a document of the year 1199 bears witness. At first, its patron was St. Martin of Tours, but St. Martin of Dumio was afterwards chosen patron.[3]

The diocese of Valabria, corresponding to the diocese that had its seat at Villamayor de Brea, is included in the Catholic Church's list of titular sees.[4]


Bishops of Britonia (Bretoña)

Bishops of Dumio (Dumium, San Martiño)

  • Savaric I (866–877)
  • Rudesind I (877–907)
  • Savaric II (907–924)[5]
  • Rudesind II (925–950)[5]
  • Arias I Núnez (950–955)[5]
  • Rudesind II (again) (955–958)[5]
  • Arias I Núnez (again) (959–962)[5]
  • Rodrigo (965–972)[5]
  • Teodomiro (972–977)[5]
  • Arias II Peláez (977–984)[5]
  • Armentario (984–1011)
  • Suario I (1015–1022)
  • Nuño I (1025–1027)
  • Adulfo (¿–?)
  • Albito (1040?)
  • Suario II (1058–1071)
  • Saint Gonzalo (1071–1112)
  • Nuño Alfonso (1112–1136)

Bishops of Vilamaior

  • Pelayo I (1136–1154)
  • Pedro I (1155–1167)
  • Joán Pérez (1170–1173)
  • Rabinato (1177–1199)

Bishop of Ribadeo

  • Pelayo de Cebeyra (Pelayo II) (1199–1218)

Bishops of Mondoñedo

Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge (2016).
  • Telmo Maceira (27 Sep 1852 Appointed – 28 Sep 1855 Appointed, Bishop of Tui)
  • Ponciano Arciniega (25 Sep 1857 Appointed – 3 Sep 1868 Died)
  • Francisco de Sales Crespo y Bautista (5 Jul 1875 Appointed – 18 Feb 1877 Died)
  • José Manuel Palacios y López (25 Jun 1877 Appointed – 2 Dec 1885 Died)
  • José María Cos y Macho (10 Jun 1886 Appointed – 14 Feb 1889 Appointed, Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba)
  • Manuel Fernández de Castro y Menéndez (30 Dec 1889 Appointed – 27 Jun 1905 Died)
  • Juan José Solís y Fernández (14 Dec 1905 Appointed – 24 Feb 1931 Died)
  • Benjamín de Arriba y Castro (1 May 1935 Appointed – 8 Aug 1944 Appointed, Bishop of Oviedo)
  • Fernando Quiroga y Palacios (25 Nov 1945 Appointed – 4 Jun 1949 Appointed, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela)
  • Mariano Vega Mestre (5 Oct 1950 Appointed – 25 Apr 1957 Died)

Bishops of Mondoñedo-Ferrol

  • Jacinto Argaya Goicoechea (12 September 1957 Appointed – 18 November 1968 Appointed, Bishop of San Sebastián)
  • Miguel Angel Araújo Iglesias (2 July 1970 Appointed – 20 May 1985 Resigned)
  • José Gea Escolano (15 May 1987 Appointed – 6 June 2005 Retired)
  • Manuel Sánchez Monge (6 June 2005 Appointed – 6 May 2015 Appointed, Bishop of Santander)
  • Luis Ángel de las Heras Berzal (16 March 2016 Appointed – 21 October 2020 Appointed, Bishop of León)
  • Fernando García Cadiñanos (1 July 2021 Appointed – present)

Statistics and extent

As of 2014, it served 290,000 Catholics (99.7% of 291,000 total population) on 4,425 km2 in 422 parishes, covering the northern part of the Province of A Coruña and the Province of Lugo, with 153 priests (143 diocesan, 10 religious), 225 lay religious (14 brothers, 211 sisters) and 3 seminarians.

Parishes by District

Azumara District

  • Ansemar
  • Arneiro
  • Azúmara
  • Balmonte
  • Baltar
  • Bazar
  • Bián
  • Bretoña
  • Cadavedo
  • Castro de Rei
  • Corbelle
  • Crecente
  • Ferreiros (Santo André)
  • Ferreiros (San Martiño)
  • Fonmiñá
  • Goberno
  • Graña de Vilarente
  • Gueimonde
  • Lagoa
  • Loboso
  • Moncelos
  • Muimenta
  • Outeiro
  • Pacios
  • A Pastoriza
  • Piñeiro
  • Pousada
  • Prevesos
  • Quintela
  • Ramil
  • Reigosa (San Vicente)
  • Reigosa (Santiago)
  • Saldanxe
  • Silva
  • Santa Leocadia
  • Úbeda
  • Viladonga
  • Vilarente

Begonte-Parga District

  • Baamonde
  • Becín
  • Begonte
  • Bóveda
  • O Buriz
  • Carral
  • Castro
  • Cerdeiras
  • Damil
  • Donalbai
  • Felmil
  • Gaibor
  • Guitiriz
  • Illán
  • Labrada
  • Lagostelle
  • Mariz
  • Pacios
  • Parga (San Breixo)
  • Parga (Santo Estevo)
  • Parga (O Salvador)
  • Parga (Santa Cruz)
  • Parga (Santa Leocadia)
  • Pena (San Vicente)
  • Pena (Santa Eulalia)
  • Roca
  • Saavedra
  • Trasparga
  • Trobo
  • Uriz
  • Valdomar
  • Vilar
  • Os Vilares
  • Virís

Cedeira District

  • Abade
  • A Barqueira
  • Os Casás
  • Cedeira
  • Cerdido
  • Cervo
  • Esteiro
  • Labacengos
  • Moeche (Santa Cruz)
  • Moeche (San Xoán)
  • Moeche (San Xurxo)
  • Montoxo (San Román)
  • Montoxo (San Xiao)
  • Piñeiro
  • Régoa
  • Teixido
  • Vilarrube

Ferrol-Chamorro District

  • Brión
  • A Cabana
  • Cobas
  • Doniños
  • Esmelle
  • Narón (Santa Icía)
  • Ferrol (Santa Mariña)
  • Ferrol (San Paulo)
  • Ferrol (San Xoán de Filgueiras)
  • A Graña
  • Mandíá
  • A Mariña
  • Serantes

Ferrol]]-San Julian District

  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora das Angustias)
  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora das Dores)
  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora do Carme)
  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora do Pilar)
  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora do Rosario)
  • Ferrol (Nosa Señora do Socorro)
  • Ferrol (San Domingos)
  • Ferrol (San Miguel Arcanxo)
  • Ferrol (San Pedro Apóstolo)
  • Ferrol (San Pío X)
  • Ferrol (San Rosendo)
  • Ferrol (San Xiao)
  • Ferrol (Santa Cruz)
  • Ferrol (Santa María)

Miranda District

  • Agarda
  • Aldurfe
  • Álvare
  • Bogo
  • Conforto
  • Espasande
  • Ferreiravella
  • Galegos
  • Meilán
  • Moxoeira
  • Órrea
  • A Pontenova
  • Rececende (Santo Estevo)
  • Rececende (San Xoán)
  • Riotorto
  • Vilaboa
  • Vilarmeá
  • Vilarmide
  • Vilaodrid
  • Xudán

Mondoñedo District

  • Argomoso
  • Cabarcos (San Xiao)
  • Cabarcos (San Xusto)
  • Celeiro de Mariñaos
  • Couboeira
  • Figueiras
  • Líndín
  • Lourenzá (Santo Adrián)
  • Lourenzá (San Tomé)
  • Lourenzá (San Xurxo)
  • Santa María Maior
  • Masma
  • Mondoñedo (Nosa Señora do Carme)
  • Mondoñedo (Nosa Señora dos Remedios)
  • Mondoñedo (Santiago)
  • Mondoñedo (San Vicente)
  • Oirán
  • Sasdónigas
  • Vilamor
  • Vilanova de Lourenzá
  • Viloalle

Ortigueira District

  • Barbos
  • Cariño
  • Céltigos
  • Couzadoiro (San Cristobo)
  • Couzadoiro (O Salvador)
  • Cuiña
  • Os Devesos
  • O Ermo
  • Espasante
  • Feás
  • Os Freires
  • As Grañas do Sor
  • Insua, Ladrido
  • Landoi
  • Loiba
  • Luía
  • Mera (Santiago)
  • Mera (Santa María)
  • As Neves
  • Ortigueira
  • A Pedra
  • Senra
  • Sismundi
  • San Claudio
  • Veiga

As Pontes District

  • Apparel
  • Burgás
  • O Burgo
  • Cabreiros
  • Candamil
  • O Deveso
  • Espiñaredo
  • O Freixo
  • Irixoa
  • Lousada
  • Miraz
  • Momán
  • Muras
  • Piñeiro
  • Pontes (Somede)
  • As Pontes (Santa María)
  • Recemel
  • Roupar
  • Seixas
  • As Somozas
  • Vilavella
  • Viveiró
  • Xermade
  • Xestoso (San Pedro)
  • Xestoso (Santa María)

Ribadeo District

  • Arante
  • Balboa
  • Barreiros
  • Benquerencia
  • Cedofeita
  • Couxela
  • Cubelas
  • A Devesa
  • Fórnea
  • Ove
  • Piñeira
  • Reinante (Santiago)
  • Reinante (San Miguel)
  • Ría de Abres
  • Ribadeo
  • Rinlo
  • Sante
  • Trabada
  • Vidal
  • Vilaformán
  • Vilaframil
  • Vilamartín Pequeno
  • Vilaosende
  • Vilaouruz
  • Vilapena
  • Vilaselán

(Mondoñedo) San Martino District

  • Burela
  • Cangas de Foz
  • Castelo
  • Cervo
  • Fazouro
  • Foz
  • Lago
  • San Martiño de Mondoñedo
  • Monte
  • Morás
  • Nois
  • Portocelo
  • A Rigueira
  • Rúa
  • Sargadelos
  • Sumoas
  • San Cibrán (Lieiro)
  • Santa Icía
  • Vilaestrofe
  • Vilaronte
  • Xove
  • Xuances

Terra Chá District

  • Arcillá
  • Barredo
  • Bendia
  • Bestar
  • Bexán
  • Cospeito
  • Duancos
  • Duarría
  • Feira do Monte
  • Goá
  • Lamas
  • Lea
  • Loentia
  • Ludrio
  • Matodoso
  • A Meda
  • Momán
  • Mondriz
  • Mos
  • Nete
  • Oleiros
  • Orizón
  • Pino
  • Ribeiras de Lea
  • Rioaveso (Santa Eulalia)
  • Rioaveso (San Xurxo)
  • Roás
  • Seixas
  • Sisoi
  • Sistallo
  • Sobrada
  • Santa Cristina
  • Taboi
  • Támoga
  • Triabá
  • Vilapene
  • Xermar
  • Xustás

Valadouro District

  • Adelán
  • Alaxe
  • Bacoi
  • Budián
  • Cadramón
  • Carballido
  • Castro de Ouro
  • Cordido
  • Ferreira do Valadouro
  • Frexulfe
  • Lagoa
  • Mor
  • Moucide
  • Oirás
  • Pereiro
  • Recaré (San Tomé)
  • Recaré (San Xiao)
  • Valadouro (Santo Acisclo)
  • Valadouro (Santa Cruz)
  • Vilacampa

Vilalba District

  • Abadín
  • Abeledo
  • Alba
  • Aldixe
  • Árbol
  • A Balsa
  • Baroncelle
  • Belesar
  • Boizán
  • Cabaneiro
  • Candia
  • Carballido
  • Castromaior
  • Cazás
  • Codesido
  • Corbelle
  • Corvite
  • San Simón da Costa
  • Distriz
  • Fanoi
  • Galgao
  • As Goás
  • Goiriz
  • Gondaisque
  • Insua
  • Labrada
  • Ladra
  • Lanzós (San Martiño)
  • Lanzós (O Salvador)
  • Montouto
  • Mourence
  • Noche
  • Pígara
  • Quende
  • Román
  • Romariz
  • Samarugo
  • Sancobade
  • Santaballa
  • Soexo
  • Tardade
  • Torre
  • Vilalba
  • Vilapedre
  • Xoibán

Viveiro District

  • Ambosores
  • Boimente
  • Bravos
  • Cabanas (San Pantaleón)
  • Cabanas (Santa María)
  • Celeiro
  • Covas
  • Chavín
  • Faro
  • Galdo
  • Landrove
  • Magazos
  • Mañón
  • Merille
  • Miñotos
  • Mogor (O Barqueiro)
  • Mosende
  • As Negradas
  • Ourol
  • Ribeiras do Sor
  • Riobarba
  • Silán, Sixto
  • Suegos
  • San Román do Val
  • Valcarría
  • Vares
  • O Vicedo
  • Vieiro
  • Viveiro (San Pedro)
  • Viveiro (Santiago)
  • Viveiro (Santa María)
  • Xerdiz

Xubia District

  • Anca
  • Bardaos
  • Castro
  • Doso
  • Ferreira
  • Igrexafeita
  • Lago
  • Lamas
  • Loira
  • Lourido
  • Meirás
  • Santa Mariña do Monte
  • Naraío
  • Narón (Nosa Señora dos Desamparados)
  • Narón (Santiago Apóstolo)
  • Narón (San Xosé)
  • Narón (San Xiao)
  • Neda (Santa María)
  • Neda (San Nicolás)
  • Pantín
  • Pedroso
  • Sedes
  • Sequeiro
  • San Sadurniño
  • San Mateo de Trasancos
  • O Val
  • Valdoviño
  • Vilaboa
  • Viladonelle
  • Xubia
  • San Martiño do Couto
  • Xubia (Santa Rita)

See also


  1. ^ "Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol" David M. Cheney. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  2. ^ "Diocese of Mondoñedo–Ferrol" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  3. ^ "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Mondonedo". Retrieved 2020-04-07.
  4. ^ Annuario Pontificio 2013 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013, ISBN 978-88-209-9070-1), p. 1004
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Manuel Carriedo Tejedo, "Cronología de los obispos mindonienses del siglo X", El legado cultural de la iglesia mindoniense : Ferrol, 16, 17, 18 de setembro, 1999 : I Congreso do Patrimonio da Diocesis de Mondoñedo, pp. 235–253
  6. ^ "Bishop Alfonso Vázquez de Acuña" David M. Cheney. Retrieved August 27, 2016
  7. ^ "Bishop Fadrique de Guzmán" David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  8. ^ "Bishop Alonso Suárez de la Fuente del Sauce" David M. Cheney. Retrieved June 28, 2016
  9. ^ "Bishop Pedro de Munébregan" David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  10. ^ "Bishop Diego de Muros" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  11. ^ "Bishop Diego Pérez Villamuriel" David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  12. ^ "Bishop Diego Soto Valera" David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  13. ^ "Bishop Francisco de Santa María Benavides Velasco, O.S.H." David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  14. ^ "Bishop Pedro Maldonado, O.F.M." David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 5, 2016
  15. ^ "Archbishop Juan de Liermo Hermosa" David M. Cheney. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  16. ^ "Bishop Antonio Valdés Herrera" David M. Cheney. Retrieved September 17, 2016
  17. ^ "Bishop Juan Juániz de Echalar" David M. Cheney. Retrieved July 14, 2016
  • (in Spanish) Official web site of the Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol
  • (in English) - Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol - data for all sections
  • (in English) Catholic Hierarchy - Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol
  • (in English) Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Diocese of Mondoñedo" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  • (in Spanish) List of Spanish Dioceses
  • (in Spanish) Official Web-site of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela
  • (in Spanish) Official Web-site of the Diocese of Lugo
  • (in Spanish) Official Web-site of the Diocese of Ourense
  • (in Galician) Official Web-site of the Diocese of Tui-Vigo

43°25′41.38″N 7°21′45.78″W / 43.4281611°N 7.3627167°W / 43.4281611; -7.3627167

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