Poincaré complex

In mathematics, and especially topology, a Poincaré complex (named after the mathematician Henri Poincaré) is an abstraction of the singular chain complex of a closed, orientable manifold.

The singular homology and cohomology groups of a closed, orientable manifold are related by Poincaré duality. Poincaré duality is an isomorphism between homology and cohomology groups. A chain complex is called a Poincaré complex if its homology groups and cohomology groups have the abstract properties of Poincaré duality.[1]

A Poincaré space is a topological space whose singular chain complex is a Poincaré complex. These are used in surgery theory to analyze manifold algebraically.


Let C = { C i } {\displaystyle C=\{C_{i}\}} be a chain complex of abelian groups, and assume that the homology groups of C {\displaystyle C} are finitely generated. Assume that there exists a map Δ : C C C {\displaystyle \Delta \colon C\to C\otimes C} , called a chain-diagonal, with the property that ( ε 1 ) Δ = ( 1 ε ) Δ {\displaystyle (\varepsilon \otimes 1)\Delta =(1\otimes \varepsilon )\Delta } . Here the map ε : C 0 Z {\displaystyle \varepsilon \colon C_{0}\to \mathbb {Z} } denotes the ring homomorphism known as the augmentation map, which is defined as follows: if n 1 σ 1 + + n k σ k C 0 {\displaystyle n_{1}\sigma _{1}+\cdots +n_{k}\sigma _{k}\in C_{0}} , then ε ( n 1 σ 1 + + n k σ k ) = n 1 + + n k Z {\displaystyle \varepsilon (n_{1}\sigma _{1}+\cdots +n_{k}\sigma _{k})=n_{1}+\cdots +n_{k}\in \mathbb {Z} } .[2]

Using the diagonal as defined above, we are able to form pairings, namely:

ρ : H k ( C ) H n ( C ) H n k ( C ) ,   where     ρ ( x y ) = x y {\displaystyle \rho \colon H^{k}(C)\otimes H_{n}(C)\to H_{n-k}(C),\ {\text{where}}\ \ \rho (x\otimes y)=x\frown y} ,

where {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \frown } denotes the cap product.[3]

A chain complex C is called geometric if a chain-homotopy exists between Δ {\displaystyle \Delta } and τ Δ {\displaystyle \tau \Delta } , where τ : C C C C {\displaystyle \tau \colon C\otimes C\to C\otimes C} is the transposition/flip given by τ ( a b ) = b a {\displaystyle \tau (a\otimes b)=b\otimes a} .

A geometric chain complex is called an algebraic Poincaré complex, of dimension n, if there exists an infinite-ordered element of the n-dimensional homology group, say μ H n ( C ) {\displaystyle \mu \in H_{n}(C)} , such that the maps given by

( μ ) : H k ( C ) H n k ( C ) {\displaystyle (\frown \mu )\colon H^{k}(C)\to H_{n-k}(C)}

are group isomorphisms for all 0 k n {\displaystyle 0\leq k\leq n} . These isomorphisms are the isomorphisms of Poincaré duality.[4][5]


  • The singular chain complex of an orientable, closed n-dimensional manifold M {\displaystyle M} is an example of a Poincaré complex, where the duality isomorphisms are given by capping with the fundamental class [ M ] H n ( M ; Z ) {\displaystyle [M]\in H_{n}(M;\mathbb {Z} )} .[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b Rudyak, Yuli B. (2001) [1994], "Poincaré complex", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, retrieved August 6, 2010
  2. ^ Hatcher, Allen (2001), Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, p. 110, ISBN 978-0-521-79540-1
  3. ^ Hatcher, Allen (2001), Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 239–241, ISBN 978-0-521-79540-1
  4. ^ Wall, C. T. C. (1966). "Surgery of non-simply-connected manifolds". Annals of Mathematics. 84 (2): 217–276. doi:10.2307/1970519. JSTOR 1970519.
  5. ^ Wall, C. T. C. (1970). Surgery on compact manifolds. Academic Press.
  • Wall, C. T. C. (1999) [1970], Ranicki, Andrew (ed.), Surgery on compact manifolds (PDF), Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 69 (2nd ed.), Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, ISBN 978-0-8218-0942-6, MR 1687388 – especially Chapter 2
  • Classifying Poincaré complexes via fundamental triples on the Manifold Atlas