February 1913

Month of 1913
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February 2, 1913: Grand Central Station opens in New York
February 20, 1913: O'Malley drives the first stake for the new city of Canberra

The following events occurred in February 1913:

February 1, 1913 (Saturday)

February 2, 1913 (Sunday)

  • The first train departed from New York City's Grand Central Terminal, having been rebuilt, opened a moment after midnight as the world's largest train station. At 12:01 am, the Boston Express No. 2 became the first train to depart, with a Mr. F. M. Lamh of Yonkers, New York credited as the first person to buy a ticket in the new terminal. On its first day, between 12:01 am and 7:00 pm, the new station attracted 150,000 visitors.[6] "At the height of its activity, in the years just after the Second World War", one historian noted,[who?] "Grand Central served about the same number of passengers as the world's busiest airport does today, even though Grand Central uses only 1 percent as much land as the airport does."[7]
  • Rienzi Melville Johnston resigned as U.S. Senator from Texas after only four weeks in office, after having been appointed on January 4. U.S. Senator-elect Morris Sheppard took office a month ahead of schedule to complete the six-year term of Joseph Weldon Bailey, who had resigned.[8]
  • American poet Joyce Kilmer wrote his most famous poem "Trees" over an afternoon while staying at a family home overlooking the Ramapo Valley in Mahwah, New Jersey. It would be published in the August issue of Poetry later that year.[9][10][11]

February 3, 1913 (Monday)

February 4, 1913 (Tuesday)

President Manuel Erique Araujo

February 5, 1913 (Wednesday)

February 6, 1913 (Thursday)

  • Bulgaria refused to allow foreigners to leave Adrianople in advance of the city's conquest.[31][page needed]
  • Born: Mary Leakey, British anthropologist who discovered the first Proconsul skull, a primate considered an ancestor to humans, wife of Louis Leakey; as Mary Douglas Nicol, in London, England (d. 1996)[citation needed]

February 7, 1913 (Friday)

Opera singer Vanni Marcoux
  • Opera singer Vanni Marcoux, baritone and star of the Boston Opera Company, was hospitalized with a concussion sustained while he had been taking his bows. Marcoux had been enjoying the thunderous applause of the audience and did not realize that he was standing directly below the heavy stage curtain as it was being lowered, and was struck on the head.[32]
  • Born: Ramón Mercader, Spanish special forces agent, known for assassinating Leon Trotsky in Mexico City under orders of the Soviet Union; as Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río, in Argentona, Spain (d. 1978)[citation needed]

February 8, 1913 (Saturday)

Explorer Douglas Mawson
  • Russian pilot N. de Sackoff becomes the first pilot shot down in combat when his biplane was hit by ground fire following a bombing run on the walls of Fort Bezhani during the First Balkan War. Flying for Greece, he came down near Preveza, on the coast north of the Ionian island of Lefkada, where he secured local Greek assistance, repaired his airplane, and flew back to base.[33]
  • For the first time in more than 110 years, an incumbent U.S. President personally spoke before a house of the United States Congress. U.S. President William Howard Taft appeared before a session of the United States Senate to deliver a eulogy for the late Vice-President, James S. Sherman, who had died in November of 1912. "Not since 1801," the New York Times observed, "has the President spoken directly to either house of Congress." Thomas Jefferson had set the precedent of communicating to Congress by written message only, which in turn had broken the tradition set by Presidents George Washington and John Adams in speaking at the opening of Congress.[34]
  • The United States and Nicaragua signed the Wertzel-Chamorro Treaty, with the U.S. paying $3 million to Nicaragua for the option to build a canal across the nation to link the Atlantic and Pacific, and the right to set up bases on Corn Island and the Gulf of Fonseca. Construction of the Panama Canal was almost complete; the U.S. Senate's session ended before the treaty could be voted on.[35]
  • What would later be called the Ten Tragic Days ("La Decena Trágica") began when Mexican Army cadets loyal to Generals Felix Diaz and Bernardo Reyes violently freed them from prison in Mexico City where they had been jailed for leading government revolts last November.[36]
  • Explorer Douglas Mawson, the last surviving member of a three member party of explorers on the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, made it back to the expedition's base at Cape Denison. Mawson, who had suffered frostbite and illness during his trek to the base, was informed upon his arrival that the expedition ship Aurora had departed a few hours earlier, and that another ship would not relieve the base for another year.[37][38]
  • At Mansfield, England, thirteen coal miners at the Bolsover Colliery were killed when a bucket with 800 gallons of water fell from a chain, and crashed into the workers 500 feet below.[39]
  • The Ottoman Navy warship Asar-i Tevfik ran aground while on raid on Bulgarian ports during the First Balkan War. Despite attempts to salvage her, the ship was considered a total loss.[40]
  • The U.S. Navy destroyer Parker was launched by William Cramp & Sons in Philadelphia. It would serve in World War I before it was decommissioned in 1922.[41]
  • Died: John George Brown, 81, British-American painter, known for his depictions of ordinary New York City children described as "street urchins" (b. 1831)[citation needed]

February 9, 1913 (Sunday)

  • Former General Bernardo Reyes attempted to lay siege on the presidential palace in Mexico City but Palace Guard commander Lauro Villar Ochoa, who was dressed in civilian clothes on his way to the palace, observed Reyes troops mobilizing to attack and was able to alert the guards in time. The resulting gun battle killed 400 soldiers and civilians and injured 1,000, including Reyes who was shot off his mount as he led the attack on horse. President Francisco I. Madero heard of the attack from his residence three miles away and tried to get to the presidential palace, but was stopped short. He then met with General Victoriano Huerta and appointed him commander of the federal army in the nation's capital. Meanwhile, Felix Diaz took control of the main armory outside Mexico City.[42][43][44]
  • At 9:05 pm, hundreds of people in Toronto observed a series of brilliant meteors streaking across the sky. The procession, first visible in the skies above Mortlach, Saskatchewan, moved south-easterly across North America. It was observed by Col. W. R. Winter from a position on Bermuda.[citation needed] It was reported by seven ships at sea, and then last reported off the eastern tip of Brazil near Cape Sao Roque.[citation needed] The procession was not observed by Professor Clarence Chant, of the Astronomy Department of the University of Toronto, but on the following day he was inundated with phone calls and letters from witnesses to the event. He systematically plotted the path of the procession, and reported his findings in a 73-page report tabled in the May–June 1913 edition of the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.[citation needed] A witness to the event was Toronto artist Gustav Hahn who made a painting following his observation.[citation needed] This event is also known as the "Cyrillids" because the event happened on St. Cyril's Day.[citation needed] In 2000, author Patrick Moore would write, "Nothing similar had ever been seen before, and nothing similar has been seen since."[45]
  • The inaugural football match for the Campo de O'Donnell stadium was played between Madrid and Bilbao, with the host team defeated 4-0.[46] The stadium had the same name as the stadium for local rivals Real Madrid, which was situated 200 meters away on the same boulevard of Calle de O'Donnell.[47]

February 10, 1913 (Monday)

Frances Cleveland

February 11, 1913 (Tuesday)

  • The Taishō political crisis began in Japan, when Prime Minister Katsura Tarō and his cabinet resigned, the day after tens of thousands of protesters surrounded the Parliament Building.[55][56]
  • General Victoriano Huerta began his assault on the armory where Felix Diaz and his rebels were embedded, but the group had access to sufficient weapons to respond that resulted in much of Mexico City being damaged by bombardment. American diplomat Henry Lane Wilson, ambassador to Mexico, informed the White House that the Mexican government had fallen.[57]
  • Five West Virginia state legislators were arrested on charges of accepting bribes in advance of a vote on the state's U.S. Senator. The six were charged with receiving a total of $20,000 to vote in favor of Senate candidate William Seymour Edwards.[58] Two days later, another six were indicted and "Every member of the West Virginia Legislature, save those against whom indictments have been returned" was issued a summons to appear before a special grand jury.[59]
  • Franz Schuhmeier, a Socialist member of the Austrian parliament, was assassinated at a railway station in Vienna. His killer, Paul Kunschak, was the brother of one of Schuhmeier's opponents in the Chamber of Deputies, a member of the Christian Socialist Party. Schuhmeier, who had led the fight for universal suffrage in Austria, was mourned by 250,000 people.[60]
  • The Roman Catholic dioceses of San Miguel and Santa Ana were established in El Salvador.[61][62]
  • The Caledonian football club was established in Bassendean, Australia.[63]
  • Born: Masaji Kiyokawa, Japanese swimmer, gold medalist at the 1932 Summer Olympics and bronze medalist at the 1936 Summer Olympics; in Toyohashi, Japanese Empire (now Japan) (d. 1999)[citation needed]

February 12, 1913 (Wednesday)

February 13, 1913 (Thursday)

Mary Harris "Mother" Jones

February 14, 1913 (Friday)

February 15, 1913 (Saturday)

February 16, 1913 (Sunday)

  • West of Pierre, South Dakota, Hattie May Foster, a 14-year-old student, spotted the corner of a lead marker sticking out of the ground and unearthed it.[85] What Foster had located was a marker that had been set 170 years earlier by a team of French explorers under the command of Pierre Gaultier de La Vérendrye and François de La Vérendrye, who had marked the furthest point explored by them before they began their journey home. Inscribed on one side was "Anno XXVI Regni Ludovici XV Prorege; Illustrissimo Domino Domino Marchione; De Beauharnois M D CC XXXXI; Petrus Gaultier de Laverendrie Posvit", and on the other "Pose par le Chevalier de Lavr to jo Louy la Londette Amiotte, Le 30 de mars 1743" (March 30, 1743).[86]
  • Relief forces under command of Aureliano Blanquet arrived in Mexico City but refused to fight for the Mexican government, allowing a nine-hour armistice to go into effect in Mexico City.[87]
  • Joseph Hertz of New York City was elected as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire. He received 298 votes against 39 for Moses Hyamson.[88]

February 17, 1913 (Monday)

February 18, 1913 (Tuesday)

February 19, 1913 (Wednesday)

  • Gustavo A. Madero, brother of the deposed President, was executed on orders of General Félix Díaz. Gustavo was "subjected to the 'fugitive law'," where prisoners were released and given a chance to flee while guns were fired at them.[95]
  • An attempt to override U.S. President William Howard Taft's veto of the Immigration Bill failed in the House by five votes, after having passed the Senate, 72–18, the day before. Although the vote was 213–114 in favor of overcoming the President's veto, two-thirds (218) of the 327 representatives present were required to agree.[96]
  • A house being built for British cabinet minister David Lloyd George near Walton Heath Golf Club in Surrey, England was fire bombed, allegedly by British suffragists. Suffragist leader Emmeline Pankhurst later claimed during a speech in Cardiff that evening to have incited the incident as well as other arson attacks throughout England.[97]

February 20, 1913 (Thursday)

February 21, 1913 (Friday)

Mexican President Victoriano Huerta.
  • Four days after their forced resignations, former Mexican President Francisco I. Madero, and Vice-President José María Pino Suárez were shot to death after being transported from the presidential palace to a prison.[103] The official explanation by current President Victoriano Huerta was that the two men were being transported in automobiles and "two-thirds of the way to the penitentiary, they were attacked by an armed group...and the prisoners tried to escape. An exchange of shots then took place in which one of the attacking party was killed, two were wounded and both prisoners killed."[104] One account said that Major Francisco Cardenas, who was escorting the prisoners, shot both men,[105] while another account claimed that U.S. Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson told President Huerta to do "whatever he thought best for the country," after which Huerta had the two men executed in the prison.[106] The subsequent government investigation "resulted in a decision that no one could be held legally responsible."[107]
  • Harcourt Butler, the Secretary of State for Education in British India, specified the goals for creating 14 universities across India.[108]
  • Arkansas outlawed the practice of convict leasing, after the state legislature had passed a bill proposed by Governor George Washington Donaghey and signed by Donaghey's successor, Joseph Taylor Robinson.[109]
  • U.S. District Judge Nathan Goff Jr. was elected as U.S. Senator for West Virginia by the state legislature, with 49 votes, compared to 14 votes for the three other candidates.[110]
  • Born: Benjamin Bloom, American psychologist who developed the concept of mastery learning and Bloom's Taxonomy; in Lansford, Pennsylvania, United States (d. 1999)[citation needed]

February 22, 1913 (Saturday)

February 23, 1913 (Sunday)

  • Romania agreed to a mediation of its boundary dispute with Bulgaria.[116][full citation needed]
  • Joseph Stalin was arrested by the Russian secret police agency, the Okhrana, upon his arrival at the Kalashnikov Exchange at Saint Petersburg, where International Women's Day was being celebrated. The future dictator of the Soviet Union, Stalin would be imprisoned for the next four years by the Tsarist government, until his release in 1917 a few months before the Russian Revolution.[117]
  • The United Synagogue of America held its initial meeting, at which time it changed to its present name from the working title of "Agudath Jeshurun- A Union for Promoting Traditional Judaism in America."[118][page needed]
  • The comic strip Hawkshaw the Detective by Gus Mager made its debut.[119]
  • Inez Townsend's Snooks and Snicks, the Mischievous Twins makes its debut and ran until 4 July 1915.[120]
  • Sports club Eiðis Bóltfelag was established Eiði, Eysturoy on the Faroe Islands, the oldest club on the island.[121]
  • Born: Sabine Sicaud, French girl poet who published Poèmes d'Enfant at 13 and died at age 15; in Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France (d. 1928)

February 24, 1913 (Monday)

February 25, 1913 (Tuesday)

February 26, 1913 (Wednesday)

February 27, 1913 (Thursday)

  • The concept of the "isotope," referring to a variation of a chemical element containing the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons, was introduced by British radiochemist Frederick Soddy, in a February 27 address before Britain's Royal Society, when he referred to "atoms of the same chemical properties, non-separable by any known process." The term itself, suggested to Soddy by his friend, Edinburgh physician Margaret Todd, would not be introduced until December 4, when he used it in the British scientific journal Nature.[131]
  • Born:
  • Died: William Henry White, 68, British ship engineer, designer for the Royal Navy (b. 1845)[citation needed]

February 28, 1913 (Friday)

  • At least 20 people were killed in a fire at the Dewey Hotel in Omaha, Nebraska, United States.[132]
  • Proof of the existence of the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) was demonstrated by German animal merchant Carl Hagenbeck in Liberia. After "having made sure that the species was much less rare than he had thought," Hagenbeck shot and killed one. The next day, he would capture a live pygmy hippo.[133]
  • The largest pinniped ever recorded was a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), killed at Possession Bay of South Georgia Island, more than 22 feet in length and weighing almost 9,000 pounds.[134]
  • The Webb-Kenyon bill, prohibiting the interstate shipment of alcohol into dry territory for purposes of resale, passed by the House and the Senate, was vetoed by U.S. President William Howard Taft. The veto would be overridden the same day by the Senate, and the next day by the House.[135][page needed]
  • The garment workers' strike ended in New York City.[136][page needed]
  • Born: David Hawkins, American philosopher, known for his theses A Causal Interpretation of Probability and the official history of the Manhattan Project; in El Paso, Texas, United States (d. 2002)[citation needed]


  1. ^ "Senate Votes, 47-23, for Six-year Term". New York Times. February 2, 1913.
  2. ^ The American Year Book, Volume 4 (T. Nelson & Sons, 1914)
  3. ^ "Lincoln Memorial Assured— Taft Signs Bill Providing for a Greek Temple in Washington". New York Times. February 2, 1913.
  4. ^ U.S. Patent No. 1,284,432
  5. ^ "About Formica Group". Formica. Retrieved 17 October 2019.
  6. ^ "City Folks Crowd New Grand Central". New York Times. February 3, 1913.
  7. ^ Francis Morrone and James Iska, The Architectural Guidebook to New York City (Gibbs Smith, 2002) p. 152
  8. ^ "Texas's United States Senators". States in the Senate. Retrieved March 17, 2018.
  9. ^ Kilmer, Miriam A. Joyce Kilmer (1886–1918) - Author of Trees and Other Poems (website of family member). Retrieved 22 May 2013
  10. ^ Kilmer, Kenton. Memories of My Father, Joyce Kilmer (New Brunswick: Joyce Kilmer Centennial Commission, 1993), p. 89.
  11. ^ Pries, Allison (10 May 2013). "Letter backs Mahwah's claim on Joyce Kilmer poem 'Trees'". The Record. Archived from the original on 19 September 2016. Retrieved 22 May 2013.
  12. ^ Spencer C. Tucker, ed., World War I: A Student Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2005) p. 286
  13. ^ "Delaware's Vote Decides". New York Times. February 4, 1913.
  14. ^ "Income Tax Ratified by Delaware's Vote". New York Times. February 4, 1913.
  15. ^ Antony L. Kay and J. R. Smith, German Aircraft of the Second World War: Including Helicopters and Missiles (Naval Institute Press, 2002) pp. 19-20
  16. ^ Bell, Daniel (2003). Encyclopedia of International Games. McFarland and Company, Inc. Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina. ISBN 0-7864-1026-4.
  17. ^ Noble Park Vicsig
  18. ^ Chudley, Alan. "The Hippodrome Theatre, Corner of Station Road and Birchett Road, Aldershot". ArthurLloyd.co.uk.
  19. ^ "Wound Salvador President". New York Times. February 6, 1913.
  20. ^ "Wounded President Dies". New York Times. February 10, 1913.
  21. ^ "Starts to Meet Explorer". New York Times. February 5, 1913.
  22. ^ Walter J. Boyne, ed., Air Warfare: an International Encyclopedia: A-L (ABC-CLIO, 2002) pp. 66, 268
  23. ^ Ringer, Mark (2006). Opera's First Master: The Musical Dramas of Claudio Monteverdi. Newark N.J.: Amadeus Press. p. 132. ISBN 1-57467-110-3.
  24. ^ Keith Hitchins, Rumania 1866-1947 (Oxford University Press, 1994) p. 152
  25. ^ Markham, Ian S.; Hawkins, J. Barney; Terry, Justyn; Steffensen, Leslie Nuñez (2013). The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 521–523. ISBN 978-1-118-32086-0.
  26. ^ "Katsura Censured by Diet". New York Times. February 6, 1913.
  27. ^ "Spain's Envoy at Vatican". New York Times. February 6, 1913.
  28. ^ Gloucester Station NSWrail.net
  29. ^ Taree Station NSWrail.net
  30. ^ Wingham Station NSWrail.net
  31. ^ The American Year Book 1914, vol. 4
  32. ^ "Curtain Knocks Out Singer". Washington Post. February 8, 1913. p. 1.
  33. ^ Baker, David, "Flight and Flying: A Chronology", Facts On File, Inc., New York, New York, 1994, Library of Congress card number 92-31491, ISBN 0-8160-1854-5, p. 61
  34. ^ "Mr. Taft Addresses Senate — Ends Century-Old Tradition in To-Morrow's Memorial Exercises". New York Times. February 7, 1913.
  35. ^ Lawrence Lenz, Power and Policy: America's First Steps to Superpower, 1889-1922 (Algora Publishing, 2008) p. 176
  36. ^ Heribert von Feilitzsch, In Plain Sight: Felix A. Sommerfeld, Spymaster in Mexico, 1908 to 1914, Henselstone Verlag LLC, Virginia, 2012, ISBN 9780985031701, p. 234
  37. ^ Tom Griffiths, Slicing the Silence: Voyaging to Antarctica (Harvard University Press, 2007) p. 27.
  38. ^ 2007 Year Book Australia (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2007) p. 17
  39. ^ "Falling Bucket Kills 13 Miners". New York Times. February 9, 1913.
  40. ^ Gardiner, Robert, ed. (1979). Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1860–1905. London: Conway Maritime Press. p. 389. ISBN 0-85177-133-5.
  41. ^ Naval History & Heritage Command. "Parker (DD-48) i". Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
  43. ^ John Mason Hart, Revolutionary Mexico: The Coming and Process of the Mexican Revolution (University of California Press, 1989) p. 260
  44. ^ Feilitzsch, 2012, p. 235
  45. ^ Patrick Moore, The Data Book of Astronomy (CRC Press, 2000) p. 249
  46. ^ "Club Atlético de Madrid, S.A.D." (in Spanish). Lafutbolteca.com. Retrieved 2015-07-10.
  47. ^ "Historias matritenses: Los viejos estadios de fútbol de Madrid" (in Spanish). Historias-matritenses.blogspot.ro. 1916-10-31. Retrieved 2015-07-10.
  48. ^ Roland Huntford, Race for the South Pole: The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen (Continuum International, 2010) p. 304
  49. ^ "Redmond Bridge". Ask about Ireland. Retrieved 2015-11-17.
  50. ^ Julian Thompson, Imperial War Museum Book of the War at Sea 1914-18 (Pan Macmillan, 2011)
  51. ^ "Sixteen Are Killed in Mine Rioting". New York Times. February 11, 1913.
  52. ^ "Record of Current Events", The American Monthly Review of Reviews (April 1913), pp. 414–417
  53. ^ Thornton Railway Station NSW Environment & Heritage
  54. ^ Romance at the Internet Broadway Database
  55. ^ "Katsura Cabinet Is Out". New York Times. February 12, 1913.
  56. ^ Kevin M. Doak, A History of Nationalism in Modern Japan: Placing the People (BRILL, 2007) pp. 104-105
  57. ^ Feilitzsch, 2012, p. 235
  58. ^ "Arrests for Bribery in Senate Contest". New York Times. February 12, 1913.
  59. ^ "Six Legislators Indicted". New York Times. February 15, 1913.
  60. ^ William M. Johnston, The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History, 1848-1938 (University of California Press, 1983) pp. 100-101
  61. ^ "Diocese of San Miguel". Catholic Hierarchy. Retrieved 17 November 2019.
  62. ^ "Diocese of Santa Ana". Catholic Hierarchy. Retrieved 17 November 2019.
  63. ^ "Callies and the Great War". Football Hall of Fame WA.
  64. ^ "Annapolis Graduate Premier of Japan". New York Times. February 13, 1913.
  65. ^ "Wilson Is Elected in Quaint Ceremony". New York Times. February 13, 1913.
  66. ^ Feilitzsch, 2012, p. 235
  67. ^ The American Year Book 1914, vol. 4
  68. ^ "Riot in the Capitol". Washington Post. February 14, 1913. p. 1.
  69. ^ Edward M. Steel, The Court-Martial of Mother Jones (University Press of Kentucky, 1995) p. 3.
  70. ^ "Wilson to Resign March 1". New York Times. February 14, 1913.
  71. ^ "1912 Seil/Brk PISAGUA (002191201)" (in English and Norwegian). Thor Dahl. Archived from the original on 23 July 2011. Retrieved 26 January 2010.
  72. ^ Pound, Richard W. (2005). Fitzhenry and Whiteside Book of Canadian Facts and Dates. Fitzhenry and Whiteside.
  73. ^ "Chartered Banks in Canada". The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  74. ^ "The performance : La demoiselle de magasin" (PDF). The French National Library. Retrieved 27 July 2018.
  75. ^ "Immigration Bill Veto at the Last Minute". New York Times. February 15, 1913.
  76. ^ Hans P. Vought, The Bully Pulpit And The Melting Pot: American Presidents And The Immigrant, 1897-1933 (Mercer University Press, 2004) p. 93
  77. ^ Lindorm, Erik (1979). Gustaf V och hans tid 1907–1918 (in Swedish). Wahlström & Widstrand. p. 245. ISBN 91-46-13376-3.
  78. ^ "Samfundet De Nio". Nationalencyklopedin (in Swedish). Bra Böcker. 1995. Retrieved 2008-12-31.
  79. ^ Jing Tsu, Sound and Script in Chinese Diaspora (Harvard University Press, 2010)
  80. ^ "Angered by the Bishops". New York Times. February 16, 1913.
  81. ^ "Gomez Proclaims that he is President". New York Times. February 16, 1913.
  82. ^ "Record of Current Events", The American Monthly Review of Reviews (April 1913), pp. 289-292
  83. ^ Conolly, Leonard W. (2002). "Introduction". In Conolly, Leonard W. (ed.). Bernard Shaw and Barry Jackson. Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. p. xv. ISBN 0802035728. Retrieved 2014-05-18.
  84. ^ "Progressive Silent Film List: The Old Monk's Tale". Silent Era. Retrieved September 25, 2008.
  85. ^ Bernard DeVoto, The Course of Empire (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1998) p. 269
  86. ^ Mark H. Brown, The Plainsmen of the Yellowstone: A History of the Yellowstone Basin (University of Nebraska Press, 1977) p. 22
  87. ^ Feilitzsch, 2012, p. 235
  88. ^ "The Chief Rabbi. Result of election". Sydney Morning Herald. 18 February 1913.
  89. ^ "Madero Gratified by Reply". New York Times. February 18, 1913.
  90. ^ Gerry Souter, Edward Hopper: Light and Dark (Parkstone International) p. 43
  91. ^ John Baxter, Von Sternberg (University Press of Kentucky, 2010) p. 17
  92. ^ Dan Franck, Bohemian Paris: Picasso, Modigliani, Matisse, and the Birth of Modern Art (Grove Press, 2003)
  93. ^ "The 1913 Armory Show: America’s First Art War", by Tom McCormack, Art21 magazine, March/April 2017
  94. ^ Wilfrid Hardy Callcott, Liberalism in Mexico, 1857-1929 (Stanford University Press, 1931) p. 228.
  95. ^ "Swift End of Gustavo Madero". New York Times. February 20, 1913.
  96. ^ "House Upholds Taft on Literacy Test". New York Times. February 20, 1913.
  97. ^ Crawford, Elizabeth (2013-07-04). "We wanted to wake him up: Lloyd George and suffragette militancy". History of Government. Retrieved 2016-11-21.
  98. ^ King O'Malley: Canberra Museum and Gallery, 29 October 2011 - 12 March 2012 (Canberra Museum & Gallery, 2011) p. 42
  99. ^ Joshua Hammer, Yokohama Burning: The Deadly 1923 Earthquake And Fire That Helped Forge the Path to World War II (Simon and Schuster, 2006) p. 82
  100. ^ Paul J. Vanderwood, "Disorder and Progress - Bandits, Police, and Mexican Development", pp. 165-166, ISBN 0-8420-2439-5
  101. ^ "Istorija". zelsd.rs (in Serbian). Archived from the original on 24 September 2016. Retrieved 15 January 2015.
  102. ^ "North Portland Library History". Multnomah County Library. June 3, 2011. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved November 8, 2012.
  103. ^ "MADERO AND SUAREZ SHOT TO DEATH AS GUARDS FIRE ON RESCUE PARTY". Washington Post. February 24, 1913. p. 1.
  104. ^ Edward I. Bell, The Political Shame of Mexico, Volume 3 (McBride, Nast & Co., 1914) p. 318
  105. ^ Godfrey Hodgson, Woodrow Wilson's Right Hand: The Life of Colonel Edward M. House (Yale University Press, 2006) p. 86
  106. ^ Héctor Aguilar Camín and Lorenzo Meyer, In the Shadow of the Mexican Revolution: Contemporary Mexican History, 1910-1989 (University of Texas Press, 1993) p. 35
  107. ^ Thomas H. Russell, Mexico In Peace and War (Reilly & Britton Syndicate, 1914) p. 86
  108. ^ P. N. Chopra, A Comprehensive History of India, Volume 3 (Sterling Publishers, 2003) p. 228
  109. ^ Jeannie M. Whayne, Arkansas: A Narrative History (University of Arkansas Press, 2002) p. 279
  110. ^ "West Virginia Names Goff". New York Times. February 22, 1913.
  111. ^ "Taft Sends Army Close to Mexico". New York Times. February 23, 1913.
  112. ^ "More Troops to Galveston". New York Times. February 25, 1913.
  113. ^ Painter, George (April 2001). "Justice Finally Realized: The case of Edward McAllister". Oregon State Bar Bulletin. Retrieved December 25, 2010.
  114. ^ John Terry (24 April 2010). "1912 Vice Clique Scandal sways Portland's view of homosexual community". oregonlive. Retrieved 10 August 2020.
  115. ^ "Parramatta High School". The Daily Telegraph. Australia. 23 February 1913. p. 11. Retrieved 25 June 2019 – via Trove, National Library of Australia.
  116. ^ "Record of Current Events" April 1913, pp. 289-292
  117. ^ Robert Service, Stalin: A Biography (Harvard University Press, 2005) pp. 90-91
  118. ^ Michael R. Cohen, The Birth of Conservative Judaism: Solomon Schechter's Disciples and the Creation of an American Religious Movement (Columbia University Press, 2012)
  119. ^ Markstein, Donald D. "Don Markstein's Toonopedia: Hawkshaw the Detective". www.toonopedia.com.
  120. ^ "Inez Townsend". Lambiek Comiclopedia. Lambiek Comic Strips. Retrieved 17 October 2019.
  121. ^ "Eiðis Bóltfelag 100 ár – Tey máttu byrja heilt umaftur (3)" (in Faroese). hvannrok.fo. 6 March 2013. Retrieved 14 November 2015.
  122. ^ "Radio telegram from Douglas Mawson to Professor Edgeworth David". Virtual Reading Room (Vrroom). National Archives of Australia. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016.
  123. ^ "Plunger / A-1 (SS-2)". Navsource.org. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
  124. ^ IBGE Archived June 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  125. ^ "Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America". FindLaw.com
  126. ^ Patrick Robertson, Robertson's Book of Firsts: Who Did What for the First Time (Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2011)
  127. ^ "Record of Current Events" April 1913, pp. 289-292
  128. ^ Alda, Frances. Women and Tenors. Read Books, 2007 (originally published in 1937 by Houghton Mifflin). ISBN 1-4067-3654-6, p. 186
  129. ^ "Record of Current Events" April 1913, pp. 289-292
  130. ^ "Montrose air station, the UK's first airfield, marks centenary". BBC News. 2013-02-23. Retrieved 2013-02-23.
  131. ^ Per F. Dahl, Flash of the Cathode Rays: A History of J J Thomson's Electron (CRC Press, 1997) p. 290, n. 87, n. 90; p. 425
  132. ^ "Score Die in Fire in Omaha". New York Times. March 1, 1913.
  133. ^ Bernard Heuvelmans, On The Track Of Unknown Animals (Taylor & Francis, 1995) pp. 48-50 cited by Alan H. Simmons, Faunal Extinction in an Island Society: Pygmy Hippopotamus Hunters of Cyprus (Springer, 1999) p. 306
  134. ^ Mark Carwardine, Natural History Museum Animal Records (Sterling Publishing Company, 2008) p. 61
  135. ^ The American Year Book 1914, vol. 4
  136. ^ The American Year Book 1914, vol. 4