Cardinals created by Gregory XII

Pope Gregory XII.

Pope Gregory XII (r. 1406–1415) created 14 cardinals in 2 consistories he held during his pontificate; this included his future successor Pope Eugene IV.[1]

9 May 1408

  • Antonio Correr Can. Reg. O.S.A.
  • Gabriele Condulmer Can. Reg. O.S.A.
  • Giovanni Dominici O.P.
  • Giacopo del Torso

19 September 1408

  • Ludovico Bonito
  • Angelo Cino
  • Angelo Barbarigo
  • Bandello Bandelli
  • Philip Repington Can. Reg. O.S.A.
  • Matthäus von Krakau
  • Luca Manzoli O.Hum.
  • Vicente de Ribas O.S.B.
  • Pietro Morosini iuniore
  • Ottaviano Ottaviani

Notes and references

  1. ^ Salvador Miranda. "Cardinals of the 15th Century". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Archived from the original on 1 November 2018. Retrieved 7 February 2019.


  • Miranda, Salvador. "Consistories for the creation of Cardinals 15th Century (1394-1503): Gregory XII (1406-1415) (Rome obedience)". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. OCLC 53276621.